
Gaara and Naruto

Sunday, February 14, 2010


www.runescape.comPlaying runescape had been fun to that I missed dearly and truefully. The adventures i've once been in had all vanished because of PSLE... Fond memories do return into my mind as my friends, lowee, weiyee...we ventured into wilderness killed revenerns and greater demons... This memories, how could i have forgotten? runescape...zezima,...chunky123,...baldbear189...all my online friends who fight and went on journey with me...How could i forget? I missed runescape!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

They will never be friends

Oh dear...they can never be friends...always fighting always compete with each other!


I think that Gaara is my
favorite Naruto character!

Friday, May 29, 2009

I hate sasuke!

8 Things I hate about stupid sasuke!
  1. First of all he is so stupid.
  2. He always act cool.
  3. His shippuden clothes very stupid looking.
  4. He killed Itachi(his brother).
  5. He always been attracted to girls.
  6. He always bully naruto
  7. He and naruto always compete with each other.
  8. He looks very smart but in his heart very...stupid

Naruto freak